
Innovation in

Times of Inflation

SAP Executive Roundtable for CFOs and CPOs

You are Invited.

Date: Wednesday, July 5th, 2023


Time: 6:30 pm onwards


Venue: Grand Hyatt, Santacruz East, Mumbai

Registration Ended

The current business environment of disruption and inflationary pressures is highly complex and often volatile. Strategic considerations have expanded to include supply chain resiliency and transparency, collaboration with key suppliers as well as meeting and exceeding ESG goals.

How do you drive the innovation required to achieve these goals while balancing risk management and cash flow improvement? Join this exclusive roundtable with industry peers to exchange insights and ideas.

Why Attend:

Develop an in-depth understanding and implementation of SAP’s Intelligent Spend Management solution
Scope of agile Spend Management practices in enhancing Working Capital Management
Top trends and insights by some of the leading businesses globally